Industry that deals with the invention, production and marketing of games.
Examples for "toy industry"
Examples for "toy industry"
1And it might be the ploy that saves the toy industry.
2Encourage them and leave them with a little equipment and a toy industry.'
3Any day now, the toy industry will be building up to its Christmas bonanza.
4The toy that revolutionized not only the toy industry but the world of entertainment.
5While the toy industry is betting big on AppCessories, a few parents are skeptical.
1South Africa's video game industry is a small but steadily growing community.
2The video game industry has been rife with consolidation in recent months.
3Trubshaw left the video- game industry to design systems for air-traffic controllers.
4The computer- game industry is increasingly being taken over by its players.
5It appears that the game industry, too, is learning this lesson.
6By making games for adults, PlayStation helped the game industry balloon even larger.
7The indie game industry is teeming with creative and experimental works.
8Without quality content, he says, there is nothing -there is no game industry.
9The video- game industry was claiming innocence in the fostering of a culture of violence.
10The game industry may employ muscle-specific strategies to improve marketability of fresh blesbok meat.
11Mobile and social games are the fastest growing segments of the video game industry.
12I think there's a lot of ways you can get into the game industry.
13Is that attributable to the game industry's success, or the music industry bombing out?
14It's considered one of the biggest commercial failures of the entire video game industry.
15Keeping the game industry's emptiest products in mind may help us avoid getting fooled again.
16How do you even get into the game industry?
Translations for game industry